Eye Health in The Winter

Watery eyes are not just a summer problem

Itchy, dry, or water eyes are associated with the summer and hay fever but you can experience these symptoms in the winter too, when changes in temperature, weather, and modern-day living can be a problem.

What causes eye problems in the winter?

Our eyes are a delicate organ and they’re constantly exposed to the weather when we are out and about. Cold weather and gusting winds at this time of the year can cause evaporation of your tear film causing dry eye irritations. Central heating de-humidifies the air in your home which also causes dry eyes. On the other hand, if your eyes are watering all the time, it could be a sign that your eyes could be too dry. That seems strange but your eyes may be overproducing tears in order to keep your eyes hydrated.

Common eye problems

Other eye problems at this time of year may be caused by infections. For example, conjunctivitis, (inflammation of the white of the eye) can be caused by allergy, or bacterial or viral infection. The protective membrane of the eyes becomes inflamed, there’s increased tear production, and the eyes can feel gritty. Bacterial conjunctivitis causes pus and sticky eyes. Allergic conjunctivitis can be caused by allergy to dust mites and pets, or pollen from seasonal plants. Blepharitis is a condition that causes red, swollen, inflamed, and itchy eyelids. You can normally help this condition by washing your eyelids every day. If it’s not kept under control it can lead to dry eyes, cysts, or conjunctivitis.

Supplements to help

Working from the inside out Euphrasia is a wonderful herb to consider for its astringent, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. This herb may help to relieve inflammatory conditions of the mucous membranes in the eyes. Herbs like A.Vogel Echinacea are useful to support the immune system. Essential fatty acids like omega 7 found in sea buckthorn are useful to renew and maintain the mucous membranes of the eyes. Or omega 3 found in flax seed oil to help prevent dry eyes.

Externally try A.Vogel Eye Drops which contain Euphrasia and Hyaluronic acid to soothe and maintain lubrication of the eyes. Suitable for inflamed, itchy, dry or watery eyes and for use with contact lenses.

If you suffer with dry or watery eyes take a look at these supplements to see if they will help you.

Watery Eyes are not just a summer problem

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