Natural Support to Help Children Deal with Anxiety

Natural Remedies for Anxiety in Children

Natural solutions to help children deal with anxiety, constipation, or nightmares are just some of the questions I get asked at the shop on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, there are lots of young children who are experiencing anxiety, especially around school, and thankfully there is help available. Depending on their age, there’s supplements they can try like Magnesium, Higher Nature Balance for Nerves, or A.Vogel Passiflora, these are ones I have talked about before.

Higher Nature Balance for Nerves is one of our most popular supplements for children age 13 years and over. It contains a lovely mix of ingredients including: magnesium, B vitamins, L theanine, and Passion Flower that can help them when they are feeling overwhelmed. B vitamins are great to support the normal functioning of the immune system and energy support, L theanine is believed to promote a sense of calm and relaxation helping to switch off those unwanted thoughts. Balance for Nerves also provides magnesium, an essential mineral that relaxes the brain and the body and is quickly depleted when under stress.

There’s also Flower Remedies and my favourite Flower Remedy is Aspen; it helps when there are feelings of anxiety which can also cause pain in the little one’s tummy. You add some drops to water or any drink. The beauty of flower remedies is that they are suitable for children of all ages.

Healing crystals are popular among young children, a favourite one for anxiety is Blue Lace Agate, although any crystal they are drawn to could help. After cleansing the crystal your child can keep it in their pocket, under their pillow, or simply on a shelf near them.

Remedies for bad dreams

Bad dreams or nightmares are tough for you and your little one to experience. Once again crystals under their pillow could help them relax. Let them choose one and see if it matches their needs, they are often drawn to the very crystal they need. Crystals have long been used for comfort and support and have become increasingly popular over the last few years. Each crystal has an energy field that can positively interact with your own. Advocates of healing crystals believe that crystals promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing. They argue that mental and physical conditions, including stress and anxiety, are a consequence of energy imbalances in the body. Crystals are used to redress these imbalances.

Dream catchers are a good idea too, they are hung over their bed and are said to catch the bad dreams so that they don’t hurt you. The good dreams reach the sleeping child to comfort them.

Californian Poppy made by Viridian is a herbal tincture you can add to water to help them get a better night’s sleep nightmare free. This helps to calm them, over the years I have seen some great results when this is used for children who have nightmares and scary dreams.

Anxiety around going to the toilet?

Constipation is a common problem in kids, it is often associated with lack of fibre in their diet. But anxiety could also be a contributing factor. Choose Optibac Bifido and Fibre Probiotics, or Udo’s Choice Children’s blend to help if it’s more likely to be diet, or after antibiotics. They contain good bacteria that can support gut health. If you think constipation is associated with anxiety about having to use public toilets or fear about hurting themselves, take a look at Jan De Vries Bowel Essence. It can help them relax and feel less nervous about going to the toilet outside of their home. It can be added to a drink of any type.

Hopefully these tips will help.

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