Can Omega 3 Change The Way you Think, Feel and Age?

Home Test Kit for Omega 3 Index

Wild Atlantic Health, an Irish company down in Cork, has developed a number of innovative home health tests to measure nutritional deficiencies. They’re a passionate bunch of people who feel that preventive health is the future.

Knowing your Omega-3 Index identifies the underlying level of silent inflammation in your body and is more informative than a standard cholesterol test. The Omega 3 Index measures the % of Omega 3 in your red blood cells. Lower than 4% is the danger zone and 8-12% is the optimal level.

Levels higher than 8% help maintain heart, brain, eye and joint health and reduce the risk of cognitive and cardiovascular problems and, amazingly, increase life expectancy by 5 years.

My Test Results of my Omega 3 Blood Test

That in itself is motivation to take the Omega Three Advanced Test but there would be little point in me telling you about it unless I had done one myself. I got my husband Denis to take the test too. He takes fish oils regularly and eats tins of mackerel a couple of times a week, while I tend to be on and off fish oils.

Well, lo and behold, the results came back online. I had naively thought mine would be better than Denis’s, but the proof is in the blood. His result was excellent being in the optimal range at 8.12%. I was at 5.22%. He is perfect! I was in the ‘you need to work on this’ and probably won’t live this down.

Now that I have a starting point, I will re-test in four months to see if taking fish oils regularly and eating more oily fish helps improve my numbers. I will let you know how I get on. You can get omega 3 from plant sources too, but your body has to convert it into active EPA and DHA.

Wild Atlantic Health's Ocean Pure Omega 3

Patrick, my brother, many of you know him from the shop, also did the Omega 3 Advanced Test. It was a shock to him that his numbers were low, but at the same time his numbers were better than mine. Patrick came in at 5.56%, I was 5.22%. Both of us have decided to take Wild Atlantic Health’s Ocean Pure Omega 3 supplement for two reasons one because it's an Irish company and two they stand over the quality of their supplements. Patrick will also retest in four months, I have no doubt with the right supplement he too will see improvements.

How to do the blood test

The Test requires a simple finger prick and a sample of blood is dropped onto a collection card. The card is registered online and put into a prepaid envelope and posted to the lab. Within 2 weeks you’ll receive an email with your results and recommendations.

I will be on the radio soon with Jon from Wild Atlantic talking about testing. We have invited Wild Atlantic into our stores to tell you more about these exciting products and to answer all your questions.

Vitamin D Test

Wild Atlantic also have a Wild Atlantic Vitamin D Home Test Kit that you can take in the comfort of your own home. You take a blood sample in the same way as you do the Omega 3 one. I think many of you will be very interested in taking this test. Vitamin D is such an important vitamin for mood, bone, and immune support and it would be good to know if you need to supplement or not. Or, if you do take supplements or you're out in the sun a lot, is it enough to keep you in the upper levels of requirement.

I think these test kits are a great idea, they take the guess work out of it.

I think it's time to practise what I preach and take my fish oils

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